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Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Myrtle Beach, SC
# of dives
200 - 499
Hi guys. Just wanted to say hi from Myrtle Beach, SC. Just got back from the FL springs in the Crystal River area. Looking for some great nearby spots for diving. Any input will be appreciated.
I was there a few weeks ago, are there still a lot of Manatees around?
I was there a few weeks ago, are there still a lot of Manatees around?
There were quite a few. However, it was my first trip there, so I don't have anything to compare it to. But it looked like alot to me.
Do you mean Crystal River sites or Myrtle Beach sites?There are several great wrecks off Myrtle.

Got to second that motion there is some awesome diving off of Mrytle beach. I was on a great Dive boat last year...Dont have that log anymore so I cant remember the name, out of little river. It is a converted navy boat and fast as all heck. The crew was awesome to. Ill look for the name later. There are a bunch of good wrecks in the area the Sawanee/Governor/Civil War wreck whose name will depend on who you ask, the Hebe, and the BP-25 are just a few I can think of off my head. There is also barracuda alley. and the shark tooth diving in SC is supposed to be good. Although I have never done it. You are lucky, you reside in a great dive spot.

Um, I'm gonna have to get with someone who knows where these places are. I've heard there's some great sites, but I'm having a hard time envisioning it. All I see when I look at the coast is water with about a foot of viz.
Um, I'm gonna have to get with someone who knows where these places are. I've heard there's some great sites, but I'm having a hard time envisioning it. All I see when I look at the coast is water with about a foot of viz.
The water is much clearer in the gulfstream. I have seen up to 100 foot viz on a couple of the wrecks...PM me Ill get you some of the info.


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