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Charlottesville, VA
:jester: Hi guys and gals! just happened upon this site and thought I'd drop in ! So, what goes here? Kind of new to this whole "Chat" thing. Anyway, I am a (PADI) divemaster in training, about halfway through. i've been diving for a little over a year now and it has truly changed my life! Anyone else?
and a Warm Welcome from ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state

NOW if that did scuba change my life not get a response nothing will, Glad you found us.
:) Returned greetings! You're my first posting! :thumb: How's the diving in Arizona???:)
Originally posted by lisadives2
:) Returned greetings! You're my first posting! :thumb: How's the diving in Arizona???:)

First off I'm speechless

OK, so I know not of an remark for such an occasion.

Arizona offers some of the best beach diving anywhere:mean: at the end of the beach you either get the local lakes that can be best described by two words, cool green, at the other end of the beach you get the Sea of Cortez or the Pacific Ocean.

I read in your profile about your Ranger, Is she more excited about diving than you? I know that my Master Seal Team member wishes he was another year older. He even will dive in the Cool green water of the local lakes, just to get his gear on.:bounce:
She goes nuts! And for a child who little over a year ago couldn't even shower for fear of getting her face wet, I can't believe her enthusiasm. Well...OK, you got me...I COMPLETELY understand her !:wink: I know that you also are reveling in the experience with your child...what a truly wonderful thing!
Well, if you read my profile, then you know that I manage the local dive shop. Having said that, I am an expert in Cool Green diving! There is little time to get away, however, we had a standing dive at Fishersville Quarry on Thursday evenings all summer! What a blast! We are also creating a MAHS field school there and building the mock wreck has been very challenging! Of course the bonfire and frosty adult beverage after were ok too!:mean:
A warm and humid welcome from North Texas. It would be nice if winter would just get here and get it over with. If I wanted 70* in December I would go back to Houston.

Its nice to have another shop manager on board. I like to see the thoughts and opinions from your side of the story.

I had this reply all typed up and ready to send and i got kicked off!:upset: :boom: I hate that! Well, it was probably a bit verbose anyway.:) Thanks for the welcome, I'm looking forward to the sharing of knowledge (in it's many forms here on the board hahah) and good company. I've been in retail mgmt in one form or another for years, but this is unlike anything I've ever done before. First, let me just say that it SUCKS wearing a comfy polo and jeans to work every day, and MAN! All those Divers! So demanding! Take us to Grand Cayman, take us to Unexso, take us on the Palau(sp?) Aggressor...It never ends!:) Seriously, our newsletter goes out to @ 2500 people monthly. Check us out at Connect2diving@scuba.com or SeaDevilDivers@yahoogroups.com!
we got another one. Isn't this a hard thing to be "addicted" to, isn't it?

Welcome from north of the 49th - Ottawa, Canada
Howdy and welcome from Prineville, Oregon. I'm sure you have heard all about our giant city so I won't bore you with that! LOL!

This is a good place to share and learn from people who have the same interest from all over the world. Have a good time here!

Later, Hawk.
Welcome from NJ!
Love the excitement, and this is the right place to share it, as well as share stories, ask questions, have fun- almost the most fun you can have when not diving>
Good luck,

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