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Scuba Instructor
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Nagahama, Yomitan, Okinawa, Japan
# of dives
Hello all,

I am a U.S Marine living in Okinawa Japan with my family (wife and 11 year daughter). We will be moving to Jacksonville FL in April 2003. We have spent the last three years living in a diver's paradise, being able to dive literly in our back yard. If anyone has any information concerning the diving around Jacksonville please let us know. We will be looking for dive families to take trips with, camp out etc...
To the Scubaboard Forum. You will find that everyone here is very friendly and willing to answer any questions that you might have. Not being from Florida, I am not able to answer your question about diving there, but I am sure that someone will be jumping in here with an answer for you soon.

Must be a transfer to Florida if you are leaving divers paradise.

Hey, this makes my 100th post!!!
Welcome to "the family". You'll soon discover this to be a great place with some real interesting folks

Don't be shy, and join in the fun. Check out the Florida Conch Divers forum -- for all sorts of (soon to be) fellow FL divers.
OoohAhhh! You don't even know me and you risk your life for mine. Thanks!
Welcome from Florida. And for diving here I can help you . We have all kinds of diving in daytona adout 1 hour from jaxs. And you have cave counrty. close by. If you have any Question you can PM me or e-mail me .
welcome to the board OkiDiver:)
Welcome Oki Diver - greetings from Down Under!

This board is relatively new to me too, but full of useful (and amusing) info!

:walking: Hope your move to Florida goes smoothly - I have read alot about the cave dives there... certainly will mix it up a bit for you!

Just returning from Miami after a week in the carribean I can tell you, you will be spoiled living in Florida. The whole week I was gone, it rained something aweful here in California, and as I've posted before - you can't dive here after it rains because the run-off produces too much bacteria in the water. Besides that it was 80+ degrees in Miami the day we left on our cruise to the British Virigin Islands and it was 80 degrees F when we returned to Miami on Sunday - sheesh you're really going to love Florida. During a short stop in St. Lious it was 33 degrees, and then when we stepped off the plane last night in So California it was in the mid 50s. Oh how I missing that good weather already <lol>

Welcome, from a non-drysuit diver in Wisconsin, who misses diving and can't wait till spring....

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