Hello there, and a question

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Somewhere Midwest, USA
Hello y'all,

Got my open water certificate about 3 years ago, got really excited, but so far only had 3 logged divings. Not much you can do when all you have is corn, bean and potato field within a 150 mile radius from home (not to mention a not so good income).

I was hoping I could have a chance for a dive in Cozumel or somewhere on the Yucatan east coast this year, but now with the hurricane Emily, I don't know... Would the water and the view be bad after such a hurricane? I'm planning for a trip sometime at the end of this month. Any comments, recommendations on where to go would be appreciated.


Hey BFD, welcome to SB. It may take them awhile to get the topside cleaned up in the path of Emily, but the water and vis should be back to normal soon. They probably would welcome the business to boot. Good luck and you might want to think about a refresher course.
Your just pleasantly plump :D

Welcome to ScubaBoard !
Hope you find the forums useful. Check out our New Divers forum, and please do plan on a refresher course first thing. Cozumel would be good, as well as down at Akumal. See our Mexico forum.

don :biggrinba

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