Hello from Wisconsin

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Wisconsin first, anywhere else I can.
Well, I finished my checkout dives yesterday morning and am now legal so I decided it was finally time to come out of the shadows. I've learned a great deal just lurking and I hope I can impart the same knoledge to others in the future.. I took up scuba since I can't' skydive anymore and it's been great. For a southern boy moving to Wisconsin and taking up diving, cold water was a real shock to the system. I would like to meet other SB members who live in my area (around Madison) for some diving excursions locally.

I will be in Branson, Missouri July 16-23 taking my AOW classes and have plenty of time for extra diving. Any locals there want to show me the (dive) sites?
:D:jump013: Welcome to Scuba Board wayne2241! It’s a good place to go if you are into diving. I enjoy being here. There have been so many people that have offered advice regarding my dream. I hope your question gets answered too. and Safe Diving from Matt.

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No experience needed and it feels great!
Heeeeeelllllooooooooo Wisconsin, (That 70's Show), welcome to SB Wayne,
If you stick around this could be part of your world too, kinda like Wayne's World.:D
Ok I'm a goofy nut (raisin), :jump: but I get this way from long SIs, must plan a dive trip soon.

Have fun and check out these guys. ScubaBoard.Com > Regional Travel & Dive Clubs> North America> United States
Great Lakes Wrecking Crew

Wisconsin - Cheese capital of the world :D

Welcome to ScubaBoard !
Hi Wayne.

Congratulations on getting certified. I'm sure you'll get used to the cold water soon. Either that or get so hooked you won't notice the temperature! ;)

Check out the Great Lakes Wrecking Crew under the clubs section of the board. There are many divers from Wisconsin and Northern Illinois among other Great Lakes states. (Go to Clubs --> North America --> United States --> Great Lakes Wrecking Crew)

Hope to see you there!
I see that you registered a couple of months ago, but do let me know if I can help you find your way around the SB Matrix. :slick:

Do your Nitrox with your AOW if you can, as you will want it in time. :icosm08:

:bandit_2: don

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