Hello from the Keys

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Capt Jim Wyatt

Hanging at the 10 Foot Stop
Staff member
ScubaBoard Business Sponsor
Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
High Springs - Cave Country
# of dives
5000 - ∞
hello from the keys--I just found this message board and look forward to some interesting discussions.
Glad to have you aboard. We look forward to reading about your experiences.

Hi Jim:

Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New england.
Have fun, Dive Safe .......................Arduous
Welcome from Rochester NY.
If your looking forward to "interesting discussions". We have quite a few around here.

Enjoy! :dance:
and a WAARM welcome from Sunny ARIZONA, the all beach no ocean state..

then if no interesting disscussion comes to mind, we'll substitute interesting people...
Just went to your site - I was immediately struck by the picture on the first page... is it always that crowded on the reef?
Welcome to the board. I sure you will find some very interesting discussions here.

Mike M
Sometimes in the summer months when the water is like a piece of glass and the visibility is 100 feet plus it is even more crowded. Most of the boats in that photo are private boats with 2 or 3 people on them.

However, the reef is over 5 square miles in area so it does not feel crowded while underwater as the divers are all spread out.

Over the past few weeks we have rarely seen more than 5 or 6 boats out there at a time.

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