Hello From Ohio

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Miami Lakes, FL
Hello all! I was searching for info on the Black Diamond BC when this board popped up in a link. What a great way to pass the time when I should be working.

My wife and I just got our Open Water cert a month ago and we're dying to go again. We've already signed up to get our Advanced and Rescue from a local dive shop.

Anybody else from Cincinnati here?

Chris Saylor
Hi Chris!! I am from Columbus Ohio - just got my C-card last August - and hope to get AOW this spring. Welcome to the board! I have gotten LOTS of great tips,advice. etc. here - just a bunch of great people who share a great hobby!! (ok - for some it's a career..)
Welcome from Texas! You found the board like I did. It's a pretty cool place to hang out...I've been doing it for well over a year.

Jump in and join the discussions!
Welcome to the board, from NJ!
Congratulations on the OW.
Next,the fun really begins.
good luck,
hi there neighbor.. welcome to the friendliest board.. ive only been in here for a day and ium hooked and like you said how else would you wanna slack off at work. hee hee.. the computer here at work wont let me chat but it doesnt block this board gotta love it.. welcome and enjoy..

Glad to have you aboard. I am sure you will enjoy the board. Heck at some point you might just have to meet me at the quarry in Louisville and dive with a fellow board member.

Hi CincyDiver:

Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England.
Fave fun, Dive Safe ............................Arduous
and a welcome from north of the 49th... you'll have a grand time here, meeting folks and learning lots.
Welcome from another newbie. I joined about a week ago, and have misspent several work hours entertaining myself by reading the posts here. I've picked up some great info!

By the way, you HAVE to check out the "Women's" section -- and read the threads titled "Men's Secrets" and "Women's Secrets". I was literally laughing out loud sitting here in my little cubicle!

Have fun!
Scuba Leg

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