Hello from cloggyland!!

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Hey thx Rick!!

Really appreciate this warm welcome!!

Checking the Oly outlet for my first dip with the 5060 2morrow!! (haven't got a clue about the settings yet); we're in the trial and error phase now, so hopefuly get some beginners luck!! Keep you informed and will send some pics if there's anything worthwhile viewing!!


Lil' Irish Temper:
How could you forget about the Tulips

Oh, wait thats Holland right? :D

Welcome to ScubaBoard !

Hela Hola LIT!!

Nice avatar you have there!! That's one way of doin' your try-dive!!

Anyway, thx for yr reply!

Life is a beach until you dive!!!!!

El Orans:
:evilo: Lil', let me tell you a bit about Holland vs the Netherlands...

<back to our regular scheduled post>

Hello Rob,

start with this link: A beginner's guide to the ScubaBoard.Com forums.
It will give you lots of info regarding ScubaBoard.

Since you're a DM, you may want to join our private Instructor2Instructor forum.
Click on the link for more info.

For "local" info and buddies, just follow the path or have fun along the way by clicking on any of the given links:
ScubaBoard.Com > Regional Travel & Dive Clubs > Europe > General Europe.

Wellicht ben je ook nog geinteresseerd in de activiteiten van Luc Dupas: GODD :06: In ieder geval, altijd leuk weer eens een landgenoot hier aan te treffen. Welke club zit je bij?


BTW, welcome (Scub)aBoard! :happywave

Hey El Orans!!

Yes indeed it's nice to meet fellow cloggies on this forum!! We've met before on DC etc. unfortunately that sort of died out, so i'm trying my luck out here!! As far as I can see, this is a much more "alive" sort of forum; this is what we want isn't it?

But anyway, I'm in the middle of the process of sorting my cam out and wow!!! there's a lot for me to learn here!!

Great forum!!



Ps, I'll come back 2u later about GODD etc...
Pps, We (pennywise and divequeen) organised the first duikchat.nl dive back in april.. overhere in Zierikzee.
Hey now - do they really call them "Royale with cheese"? :eyebrow:
Good to see more europeans on the board! I'm born and raised Swedish, although I'm in exile now...

HI Mick!!

Yes we've got some (probably too much) royalty here and lots and lots of cheese too!!!

And indeed it's nice to meet some fellow europeans here!

Thx for the reply anyway


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