I was in the Navy Reserve (retired now) and spent two weeks there last August. They had me working on the base seven days a week, 12 and 18 hour days, but I skipped some sleep time and ran around in town. Maybe things are different now with the political situation, but the people I met were real nice. Friendly and honest, no one acted hostile. There were some real nice restaurants. A lot of little sandwich shops (falaffel and shwarma). Dates were hanging off the trees free for the picking. A lot of fresh fruit juice stands. I really like the fresh pomeganite juice. It cost about $3 and took about five pomegranites to make. The gold souke was amazing to see. You wont see gold like that, for quantity, quality, and workmanship anywhere in the US. You can buy beer and liquor in the hotel bars. They sell beer on base. I took a tour out into the desert. Bahrain is famous for pearls and some of the guys went on a pearl dive tour. They were breath-hold diving and the water they were in was only about ten-feet deep. They found some little pearls, but said that you wouldn't want to eat the oysters because they were full of worms. Bahrain is a nice place and I heard that they get British tourists there in the winter when the weather is more comfortable. The tourists camp and hike out in the desert. There are low limestone hills out there with caves and ancient quarries and archological sites of old cities. There are a lot of places over there in the Persian Gulf region and Middle East that I would love to see. I wish that everyone could just take a break from all of this political crap and just get along.