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I've been on this board for a couple of weeks, but, I forgot to introduce myself. So ... HELLO EVERYONE!

I'm from Japan, but, I currently work (and of course dive) in Los Angeles. I'm still a newbie (I just got my PADI OW + AOW cert this year), but I am already addicted to diving. I must admit that I've already called in sick to work one day because I just HAD to go diving. I have already gotten alot of advice from many members of this board regarding equipment, proper weighting, etc.. I hope I make many friends here. Diving is a great sport, every diver I have met in So Cal was a great person.

I usually dive around the Palos Verdes peninnsula (Malaga Cove, Redondo Beach, etc.). If you have recommendations on other good dive spots in So Cal, please let me know.
Here's a belated Welcome for ya then. I'm in San Diego, so I don't do much beach diving up there, but we do hop on the occasional boat trip. Lemme know if you want to be notified when we go. :)

ifukuda.........welcome to the family. l am sure that your not the first to ditch work to dive. The trick is, is to find a boss that loves to dive and voila !!!! Instant boss sanctioned dive days.

Butch :peace:

We must apologize for not forcing you to admit your newness to the forum and making you say hello. Must be bad regulators as it is there job to force people to intoroduce themselves.

As just a board peon I just get to welcome you after the fact hehehehehe

So welcome aboard, glad to have you, your first dive is free, tanks ar $5.00 a fill and there be no DCS before midnight or you'll answer to the scubagods!

Syruss... you got me, at least! I've been a bad, bad regulator the past week... not checking people's posts... not regulating anyone (! :p )

But WELCOME ifukuda from a fellow scuba addict in Thailand! Tell us how you come to be working in LA?

I'm sure we're going to be seeing a lot of you on the boards.

Enjoy yourself here - we all do.
Hajimemash1te. Ontario Diver desu. Dozo yoroshiku.

Welcome from Canada. I'm sure that you'll love the board.

Yoroshiku onegai shimasu.

(Please forgive my accent and pronunciation. And the fact that the posting "dirty word" forces me to make us 1's instead of i's)

First, a late welcome to the board!
Secondly, you'll find it hard not to make friends on this board...people just keep coming and coming - meant in the cleanest sense! :wink:

See you round the board!
Originally posted by keralucu
Syruss... you got me, at least! I've been a bad, bad regulator the past week... not checking people's posts... not regulating anyone (! :p )


It is okay everyone is allowed one mistake a year. I personally am a big fan of stockpiling. So I personally am caught up on mistakes till the year 4092 currently. Now that's being pro-active! :wink:

Ahh..Scubababy....well nevermind hehehehe

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!!
Glad to have you aboard.


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