I've been browsing the board extensively for about 2 months now and I would like to say thanks for all the information shared and humor displayed.
I'm not new to diving, but I didn't have the $25 for the cert. after passing a rigorous course at NCSU in 1981. Beer money seemed kinda important back then. :eyecrazy: That was one of the stupidest decisions I've ever made.
Several of my clients are active divers, DMs and instructors, so business dictated that I start diving again (kinda like playing golf with clients, but better.) I re-certified in September of 2003 and I'm going to strive for DM with a few agencies. More knowledge = more fun. Since I've been diving again, my focus has evolved from working for a living into living to dive. What a refreshing change! As a bonus, that attitude adjustment has also made my business grow.
Many happy bubbles,
I'm not new to diving, but I didn't have the $25 for the cert. after passing a rigorous course at NCSU in 1981. Beer money seemed kinda important back then. :eyecrazy: That was one of the stupidest decisions I've ever made.
Several of my clients are active divers, DMs and instructors, so business dictated that I start diving again (kinda like playing golf with clients, but better.) I re-certified in September of 2003 and I'm going to strive for DM with a few agencies. More knowledge = more fun. Since I've been diving again, my focus has evolved from working for a living into living to dive. What a refreshing change! As a bonus, that attitude adjustment has also made my business grow.
Many happy bubbles,