I've been watching the board for about a year now and finally decided to register. The big red note at the top of the page kept encouraging me to post a greeting
- so - I - obey .....
Thanks for all the great information so far, I have gotten a lot of advice about photography and actually dove in head first about two months ago with an
OLY C-5050. I've been diving two years this August, mostly the Jetties in the East Pass in Destin and Vortex Springs. I look forward to more interesting reading here on the board.
- so - I - obey .....
Thanks for all the great information so far, I have gotten a lot of advice about photography and actually dove in head first about two months ago with an
OLY C-5050. I've been diving two years this August, mostly the Jetties in the East Pass in Destin and Vortex Springs. I look forward to more interesting reading here on the board.