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Hello all I have decided to let bygones be long gones and come back and say hello! I see that there have been some pretty heated debates going on since I left.

It'll take me a month of Sundays to get caught back up on all those threads!!!
Hi Syruss!

Welcome back. I wasn't around when you were first here but you sure had some hilarious posts! Looking forward to seeing you around the boards.

Sandy :hi:
Welcome Back, I guess. I was not here when you left, so I guess I really can't say welcome back. I know you from another board, so it is good to see you here.
Sure glad you've come back. Though now that I'm going to have to deal with "twins" again... I'm not so sure.

Just kidding!!!:D
Originally posted by DivingGal
Sure glad you've come back. Though now that I'm going to have to deal with "twins" again... I'm not so sure.

Just kidding!!!:D

Thanks everyone for the nice welcome back and all. But really thanks is just not enough. If you could each take one piece of scuba gear (working scuba gear) and send it to me, then things will be perfect!!! heheheeheh
Originally posted by Syruss33

Thanks everyone for the nice welcome back and all. But really thanks is just not enough. If you could each take one piece of scuba gear (working scuba gear) and send it to me, then things will be perfect!!! heheheeheh

Oh sure first you ask me for the sub, and some of my equipment!
In your case, keep the equipment and send me the sub.....

Seems like a good trade!!! have you posted the link to that sub on here???
Originally posted by Syruss33
In your case, keep the equipment and send me the sub.....

Seems like a good trade!!! have you posted the link to that sub on here???

Sub . . . thought I told you it doesn't come in the colour you wanted, so I canceled the order. :D
Originally posted by DivingGal

Sub . . . thought I told you it doesn't come in the colour you wanted, so I canceled the order. :D

I spoke with Butch and he told me he'd help me repaint it so go ahead and send it....

Wonder what the UPS charges would be for that???

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