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Welcome from NJ!
As the other folks have said, this is a great place to ask, tell, or just have fun with most any scuba related-and non-related topics.
Good luck,
Welcome to Scubaboard! I'm pretty new to diving myself, so I know what you mean about it being addictive. This is a great place to get advise and info especially for those of us who are new to scuba! Enjoy!! :)
Hi Chac_Mool:

Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England
Have fun, Dive Safe .................................Arduous
Hello and welcome from the Great White North. You'll have a grand time here learning interesting "stuff", having fun and meeting new people. Welcome to your new extended family.
Welcome to scuba diver's anonymous Chac! Oh wait, that's a different group:wink: If diving isn't addicting enough you'll have a hard time tearing yourself from the board to do things like eat, sleep and work! You'll find lots of great information here and we're always interested in your input!
Ber :bunny:
Greetings from a neighbor in NJ. I'm a newbie on here and not far ahead of you in terms of dives, but I am hooked big time too. Can't wait to get to the Caymans


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