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Southern West Virginia
Hey everyone! I just wanted to introduce myself, I am a newly certified diver and I hope to get to know you all. I'm sure I will have LOTS of questions (probably even some stupid ones) but I'm not afraid to ask them. I will appreciate all advice and input from seasoned pros and other newbies alike.
There are plenty of folks on the board who are more than ready to give their opinions. Oh and there are a few who actually know what they're talking about too <lol>.

Glad you found the board. Share with us something about the class you took and about the dives you've made so far.

Keep diving...
Congrats on your certification. I think you'll like it around here, but you've probably already figured that out!

And remember...there are no stupid questions except those you don't ask!
Welcome aboard! If you love diving you're gonna love this place!
Thanks to everyone for all your kind hospitality. I'm sure that I will find Scubaboard not only education but enlightening as well.

OK, on to my details. I became certified through PADI. On my certification dives, there was that pit-of-the-stomach nervousness and not just a little anxiety. The water was cold (low 50s) and visibility was horrible at 3 feet.

I have only 2 dives post-certification, both those were in New River near Blacksburg, VA in a "hole" about 45 feet deep. The water was warm (about 70 degrees) for late fall. The visibilitly was excellent(15 feet) compared to the quarry where we did our certification dives. There was no noticeable thermocline and a very mild current. the bottom silted very easily but due to the slight current cleared quickly.

On my 2 river dives, I felt none of the anxiety or dread that I had felt in the quarry, and had my first truly enjoyable diving experience. I was hooked before that, but I now find myself counting down the days to warmer weather and more diving.

Landlocked and freezer burnt,
Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England USA.
Have fun here and Dive Safe…………………..
welcome to the board and I am sure you will get your answers here:)

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