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scuba_junkie, I live in the Livonia area. There are a couple of local dives coming up that you may be interested in.

You too, lakesdiver.

I'll get the info together and PM you guys. Probably won't be until tomorrow though...
I'm newly certified myself and later my dive buddy and I wondered the very same thing.... Why did we wait so long?

Wildbill:D :D

scuba_junkie once bubbled...
Hi lakesdiver!... so is there any good diving out your way? I know that area pretty well.

We use Union Lake to stay tuned up (tho' not in the middle of summer, lest the nautical cuisinarts do you a treat!). Maceday for deep, but boring dives.

We're big on the St. Clair river, which is more over your way.
congrats on your cert.! welcome aboard, you'll find this place puts a smile on your face! Funny stories and funny mistakes. If you ever come to my playground (florida) give me a holler!! safe and happy diving!:bounce:
Thanks again for the greets!

scubafishee, keep me posted on those local dives. My dive buddy and I are always looking for more chances to get in the water and meet some local divers!

lakesdiver, everyone raves about the St. Clair river. I think its a little ways off for my experience. Some day though. My dive buddy actually lives in Port Huron near the Blue Water Bridge. Those currents look awful strong.

hitomi316, there are plans for a possible FL trip this winter sometime. Depending on where we go, I will drop you a line.
Good job on the certification. Stay wet & tell us about all of your adventures.
scuba_junkie once bubbled...
lakesdiver, everyone raves about the St. Clair river. I think its a little ways off for my experience. Some day though. My dive buddy actually lives in Port Huron near the Blue Water Bridge. Those currents look awful strong.

True on both counts, my friend. It is an amazing ride, but it is truly for the experienced. With one exception. On the Canadian side are the old CSL docks. Canadian LDS's do their open water there. Calm, protected, only 20 deep, but it's also an intro to the river.

Otherwise, we do Gilboa, Whitestar, and Portage (Ohio) quarries fairly regularly. And, come late Sept., we'll start venturing into Union lake again.
I've heard of Gilboa (looks like a neat setup judging by their website), but not the Whitestar or Portage quarries. Where are they located and what are they like? Any links to websites for them?


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