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Richmond, MI
Just wanted to intorduce myself and say Hi to everyone... :cheers:

Just got my open water certification a couple weeks back, but wished I did it a long time ago. What A Blast!!! Oh well, better late than never.... :snorkel:

Hopfully going to do some dives this weekend. Anyone know of any decent shore diving spots near Grand Bend, Ontario?? Or last minute charters to some wrecks in the same locale?

Erich :eek:ut:
Congrats on your certification and welcome to the boards. Warms my heart each time I see another diver, especially a local one, joining the ranks. :wink:
Welcome from Kentucky and happy diving up north.
Thanks for the welcome! I think it will be fun here.. seems like a wide array of experience for me to draw some more knowledge about scuba from. :grad:

Hey scubafishee... what part of SouthEastern MI are you in?
Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England USA
Have fun here and Dive Safe.......................Arduous
Hi lakesdiver!... so is there any good diving out your way? I know that area pretty well.

Arduous, you are right on about the 'cold water' thing. I used to live in Cape Cod MA, and have a lot of relatives in the NH/ME area. The couple times I have snorkeled out there, its like getting a brain freeze from drinking a slushie too fast... :D
...great bbs and community, enjoy!

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