Heading back to Coz!

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Columbia, MD
# of dives
100 - 199
Going down to Cozumel for the second time 10/4 - 10/8. This time diving with Aldora. Thanks to all the great posts on this forum - I hope to cram in as much bottom time as possible in the too short, 5 day/4 night trip. (Going solo - my wife is a saint!)

1. Has anyone done the Advanced Open Water certification with Aldora? I'd like to get the additional training, but don't want to spend all my precious dive time executing skills, instead of enjoying the reefs.
2. I'm flying into CZM, scheduled arrival 11:27 AM Sat, 10/4. Will I be able to squeeze in an afternoon dive?
3. My last trip (2000) I LOVED La Choza, especially for the golden salsa they served with the tortillas - do they still serve this? Also, I haven't seen many references to El Moro. This was one of our favorites last time - great food and away from the cruise ship crowd being on 75th St. on the outskirts of town - still good?
4. Can anyone comment on the Aldora personal gear? I'd like to bring just a carryon with a few changes of clothes, rather than check any luggage. Can I leave it all to Aldora (including mask, fins, wetsuit) with confidence?

My last time there, I dove with Manta Raya. Fernando was great - personalized service and only 2-5 divers on the boat. But the talk about lengthy bottom times on this forum convinced me to try Aldora. That trip I was with my wife, son, sister and niece. Stayed at Villa Zara on the north side of town. A nice little 3 bedroom, 2 story villa about 50 yards from the beach. A good buy at $1250 for the week. This time I'm getting a room at Fiesta Americana. I'll post a report when I get back. Thanks for any feedback on my questions.

Rwhiting once bubbled...
2. I'm flying into CZM, scheduled arrival 11:27 AM Sat, 10/4. Will I be able to squeeze in an afternoon dive?

Not sure about Aldora but most afternoon charters leave around noon so that would be cutting it close. You'll proably have to stick with either a shore dive or a night dive.

3. My last trip (2000) I LOVED La Choza, especially for the golden salsa they served with the tortillas - do they still serve this?

Yes, and you can buy it by the bottle to take home. I've got some in my fridge now.
I don't know Aldora's schedule. I know that several dive ops do 1 tank afternoon trips departing at 3:00 PM. When my sweetie and I went to Coz in May Dive with Martin took us out for a two tank trip at 2:00 PM. Also, you might want to look into doing a two tank twilight/night dive. Ask Aldora if they can accomodate you and if they can't start checking into other dive ops.

Did my AOW with Aldora. Takes no time at all. You are doing the same dives you would have been doing anyway. Quite easy.

Call Aldora or send them an email through the website aldora.com and ask them about their afternoon schedule. They may even post it on the website. If you call as for Memo, he runs the office and dive schedule

La Choza is still around and as good as ever. I take home a litre of that very sauce every trip. El Moro is also still very good. Ray, the owners son, is a great guy and will treat you very well.

Everyone leaves their gear on the boat in a mesh bag with your name on it so no worries of loss. I don't know anything about their rental gear but I have seen several people using older Dive Rite gear so that might be the rental. Again I would discuss this in the email or phone call. Don't call the Houston phone number. This is only a booking office and they can't really give you valid info. Talk to MX location.

Rich, have a great time. Any of the DM's, Memo, Bill "Memo", Hortia, Mateo, Omar are all good guys. Looking forward to your report.

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