HD Video of Theo's Wreck

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I posted a video on YouTube of our dive at Theo's Wreck. Has anyone done this dive and got to swim out to the edge of the shelf?

Vintage Theo's Wreck Scuba Dive - UNEXSO - YouTube

About the dive site:
Theo's Wreck dive in Freeport Grand Bahama is a 240-foot cement hauler sunk by UNEXSO in October of 1982. Originally commissioned the M/S Logna, she was built in Norway in 1954. Theopolis Galanoupoulos suggested sinking the hauler in her current location as a dive attraction. She now rests on her port side in approximately 100 feet of water very close to the drop-off of the continental shelf. An excellent scuba dive for an adventurous beginner or experienced diver. We did this dive several years ago in 1995.
Nice video, thanks for sharing.
I posted a video on YouTube of our dive at Theo's Wreck. Has anyone done this dive and got to swim out to the edge of the shelf?

Vintage Theo's Wreck Scuba Dive - UNEXSO - YouTube

About the dive site:
Theo's Wreck dive in Freeport Grand Bahama is a 240-foot cement hauler sunk by UNEXSO in October of 1982. Originally commissioned the M/S Logna, she was built in Norway in 1954. Theopolis Galanoupoulos suggested sinking the hauler in her current location as a dive attraction. She now rests on her port side in approximately 100 feet of water very close to the drop-off of the continental shelf. An excellent scuba dive for an adventurous beginner or experienced diver. We did this dive several years ago in 1995.
This is a reply from Theo, the creator of Theo's Wreck. Just to make a couple of corrections and clarifications... UNEXO had very little to do with the acquisition, preparattion and coordination of Theo's Wreck. Their role was very small and somehow more for exposure and promotion as it was the only dive operation on Grand Bahamas Island. Second, my name was not and is not Theopolis Galanopolis but Theo Galanopoulos and I am very pleased and happy to hear that this wreck has been a popular and a safe dive for many divers since 1982; and all the efforts and hard work did not go to waste.
Thank you for the video clip. I also have nice photos I scanned from prints during the sinking I can email to you.
Wish you safe diving wherever you may be diving. It's fun and amazing experience for all.
Theo Galanopoulos

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