Hayama...on doubles

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Scuba Instructor
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Ocean Beach, San Diego, CA
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I just don't log dives
What a great night! Not only was it my first time to dive Hayama, but it was also my first dive on doubles. Great time. Only down side was we got a parking ticket. I heard Japan was cracking down much harder on parking so it was to be expected I suppose.
Any one who has not been diving at Hayama, it can be a challenge. We had great conditions last night, but you can see how ANY amount of swell can make entry or exit near deadly. For me it was a fun dive, almost every dive it. We saw a cuttlefish, some eel, a small ray, some fish I’m still trying to identify, and well just lots of little critters. And I was on doubles!
One of the funniest things I have ever seen happened last night too. Ever seen a lobster make shelter in your buddies back plate? This little guy at some point decided the he would be nice and safe to make refuge between my buddy’s lower back and his’ tanks. If only I could have had a camera. Priceless.
All in all, I enjoyed Hayama. Lets just hope the novelty of a must more cost efficient dive in Japan doesn’t wear off.
Will C
Ouch. How much was the fine for the parking ticket?

My impression of Hayama is that it gets blown out very very easily, so we do not plan any trips there because of the high probability of not being able to dive, which is why we dive Izu, much more predictable conditions.

Are there any parking lots in Hayama close enough to walk to the water? I recall that it was a very long walk to entry.
My first dive in Hayama was a night dive with significant surf. 200 meters of walking in low waves, in and out of holes between rocks in knee deep water...There's a reason that's a free site:wink:

If it is close to you, it makes sense. I've had some good dives there with Steve, but that entry is a bit beyond me, especially when I have $1,500 dollars worth of lumens strapped on my hip. Fall into one of those holes with your doubles on and a canister light and you'd really be crying...

Aren't parking tickets like JPY 15,000? That really...hurts two people can dive a full day in Izu for that amount, with a reasonable entry, showers, hot bath...

Anyway, it's good to hear some diving enthusiasm in this forum...keep that energy going...

Dive safe...
Ouch is right. 10,800 Yenjamins! I still need to flow my share of that one.

We went Sunday too. Not bad at all. We just did what the local dive shops where doing. Drop our rigs off by the stairs, park the car, dive. No problems this time. I got lucky and found some free parking really close. Only downside was the cold rain when we got out. I plan on diving here quite a bit. It is much more condusive to my work and money. Can't beat a "bring your own gas" spot here in Japan. I can drive too, eat lunch, and dive for the price of one steel 100 in IOP. Don't get me wrong I loved Izu, this is just so close for me.

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