Larry my boy - how can you possibly have enough... you've got some catching up to do...
13 regulators (vairous MK20/5, Oceanic adn Apeks, Tx100, DSTs and DS4s)
5 Eclipse wings, 1 Pioneer, 1 40lb Evolve, 1 60lb evolve - 4 SS BPs and 3 Als (All Halcyon except for one OMS plate)
3 Gavins :14:
3 wetsuits
1 TLS350 Drysuit (3 undersuits)
1 set 18L steel doubles
1 set Al 80s doubles
4 80 stages and 2 40s
4 pairs of Jet fins
5 masks
5 SMBs and lift bags
2 Scout LED backups
1 pro 6 18W HID
1 pro 14 (coming soon)
Cannon G5 and 10bar housing
Song PC1000 (soon to be Gates PCII housing)
a mountain of little stuff and stuff I have forgotten about
This doesn't come close to the guys in Florida who have whole garrages full of stuff
2 trips to PNG
1 trip to indonesia
2 diving trips to UK
6 weeks in Florida last summer cave diving
4 POW/ Repluse LOB (upto 9 days diving

at a time) - 1 more planned next east roll up roll up
Moved to Philippines to be close to diving (subic, boracay, PG, Apo, coron, Aniloa)
BTW on APO - Frank at LBC has a boat just about to be launched that you could use for a weekend to APO (upto 12 but comfortable and economical for 8). Would be possible to pick up for leah beach on Friday and return first thing monday (no leave!) - I can arrange a trip any time.
BTW 2 - what about another get together in manila soon?