Dove with East Coast Divers last Tuesday, I lost track of how many turtles I seen on the first dive. I gave up at 25 knowing I was doing the ..22..23..24.....23..24..25.......a few times. The DM Sid, was pointing out yet another Southern Ray and I pointed over his shoulder to 2 more turtles, afterwards he said, "Yeah, which way do you look." Lots of turtles, rays and morays there. Guess the Green Turtles come into the bay at night to eat the turtle grass and sleep, then in the morning exit the bay. So the boat gets out in front of them, and as they leave they are swimming right at you.
In 15 dives this week on the west coast, I never seen a turtle. Today we drove up north and at Tolo we were looking at the shoreline when the wife says, "There's a turtle!" A little hawksbill just bouncing around the shoreline ledge.