Handycap and normal scubadiving that is great serius fun !1

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Welcome, S-R, to your Board...looks like you found the right place because we love to talk about scuba...

To me it looks like you have only one handicap...the same one the rest of us have: we cannot get enough scuba diving in!

At any rate, as I love to write: if you have questions, we have answers; if you have answers, we have questions; or if you are just looking for a few laughs on a cloudy day, come on in for a while...

That cool that you keep up with what you love. In the picture though whosever car that is behind you owes me a 6-pack. My instructor tought me that if I am more than 3 feet from my gear standing up I owe him a 6-pack. So now I am going to have to find that person and get my 6-pack so I am back to even!

BTW: Welcome to scubaboard!
Too Cool!

There are some more from Canada that should be saying hello. Those are great pictures and I really like your truck (especially the painting)

Dive safe!
We're all handicapped...yours is just on the outside. Now if you notice Syruss, Butch, Iguana Don ...their mental handicaps are more obvious! :D
Welcome S R , from New Jersey.
The pictures look great, and shows the type of fun that all of us on this Board love to have, at or under the water.
You have certainly found the right place to extend that fun.
Welcome, and good luck,
Ignore all the the others. They are all warped, we are the sane ones.

Welcome from north of the 49th, the second largest
province in the second largest country in the world, Ontario , Canada

Butch :peace:
Originally posted by Butch103
Ignore all the the others. They are all warped, we are the sane ones.

Butch :peace:

Did you just say we are the sane ones like oh my god he needs a thorazine drip badly!
And welcome from ARIZONA the all beach no ocean state

What an introduction

What a paint job!!!

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