The President of the SRI is Stan Waterman
Stan Waterman HomeRob Stewart
Rob Stewart Biography is on the board of trustees. A portion of my trip was tax deductable and my meals were inclusive. Everything I did was with the lead researcher of the Whale Sharks project for Mexico. We tagged 10 sharks, got DNA sampling on 10 and identified 15 total, with 5 being returns from the last season. We also took measurements and identified sex on all 15. All this data is being used in conjunction with multiple countries to prove migratory patterns along with testing if these groups are related only locally or globaly. I know this trip was a bit on the pricier side. But all the work and the experience I came back with was worth the trip. I really do not think their puplicist really explains what all is entailed on these expeditions in print. The reason we snorkeled is the juvenile sharks were on the surface feeding and also they are alot more skiddish to divers bubbles. Each day after we accomplished our tasks we then dove on many different parts of the area around LaPaz. All the proceeds from the trip go back to the SRI. For me, I came away with more than a few pictures, my contact with them will hopefully make a difference in their continued protection. I never felt in any way that my efforts were not needed and looking at how much data Deni had aquired with all her work in Holbox and LaPaz, I felt more rewarded by the entire experience. It definitely was not the touristy dive trip, they say that when you inquire. The work came first and we got alot accomplished. I know more about the plight of the shark populations now than I did going into this trip. But, everyone has a right to make their own judgements. I have the utmost respect for Stan and Rob and have had the pleasure of meeting and speaking with them at length about the organization and what it hopes to contribute to the ongoing fight to save sharks throughout the world. Dr. Alex Antoniou was our group leader and he has been donating his time and expense with the SRI for over 12yrs. What I like best about this trip, it got people involved and we all had an encounter and an intimate experience with the sharks. How many people get to say that? Regardless, if you do not want to participate on the trips, just helping these organizations with their research, lobbying, etc. will help. The SRI is only one of many groups that are out there trying to educate the world on the plight of the shark. But it takes all of us to get out their and do something to help.
Be kind to animals...Kiss a shark!
BTW, I think they like to promote volunteer divers, or more like allow divers to be part of more than just the tourist type of trip. Plus we were given a complete agenda, research information, and what was expected of us before we arrived in LaPAz. Basically I had alot of homework before the trip. I would suggest you get more information from the organization by talking to Marie Levine and maybe base your assessments from that. Thanks so much for your comments.
**Club Canatamar is who provides the boat for some of the expeditions. They also do trips that are not with the SRI and not research oriented. I gave the link to them since that is where you will find the information about the boat and accomadations.
ps. Sorry for the thread Hijack! Gorgeous pic Chris! It had to be a phenomenal feeling to be first hand witness to that!