Halcyon Pioneer setup adjustments

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The South
Spent around 3 hours adjusting the halcyon pioneer system and ACB weight last night. I heard that they are some online websites that shows proper adjustments of the harness complete with PICTURES & Illustrations.

I need the URL please for my frame of reference.
Shoulder d-rings at collarbone, don't make shoulder straps too tight. The waist belt should carry alot of the weight when out of the water.

* Three Hours??!! You beat me by an hour! http://www.scubaboard.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=22060&highlight=the+assimiliation+continues

* Mech is right - its actually easier to clip and un-clip with the shoulder rings higher. I had to make several adjustments until I got them high enough, but not too high

* The BAUE site has a really cool pic of the crotch strap tucked through the front D-ring. When I was diving a light cannon, that's where I clipped it (AFTER entering the water... :) ) Now, that D-ring is unused, and it makes more sense to tuck the crotch strap through it...much cleaner, no dangling ring, etc.

* Thumbs in the D-rings make it easier to slip off and over the shoulder dump valve. Another reason (had I known then what I do now) I would have gotten a wrist dump

* Load the ACB's before donning. Seems like a "duh"...but a lot of people tuck in the weight pockets after the have it on. That works on some BC's where the weight pocket is a straight entry - as you see, the ACB is curved...way tough to get in after its on.

* I ended up putting Bike Innertube over the straps at the BP contact points - as I experienced fraying after my first dive trip. Here's a pic, for reference. No problems, since. http://www.pbase.com/image/12733382

* I'm still doing the squat-in-back-up-stand-up into the rig don. Not pretty, but it works. I need to be sure to not fasten my long hose into the wasteband - its happened a few times. last weekend was the light cord in the waste band trick...

You're gonna love the rig. be sure to come back and post some thoughts and info after your first dives.
yeah... 3 hours wasted because putting the Left ACB weight system involves taking out the whole harness !!!!!!!

i also checked out to make sure there are no sharp edges on the ss plates. I found none.

i skipped on the initial *$350 deal deep outdoors BP/Wing system because it needs a seperate single tank adapter and cam bands which adds up the cost even more !!!

i cant wait to go to the pool and dive with my NEW SETUP :)

will post report as soon as i got a chance to dive !!
I don't get that. It just slides over the waist band and fastens to the BP. Its a 2 minute install... what happened?

Most of my time was spent in the nuances of adjustment hell - well that and the fact I initially mounted the wing backwards (d'oh...)

Really, tho. What's the deal with the ACB? Did the sell you two right ones?!

the original harness comes with a d ring on the left side.

the ACB 20lbs also comes with a d ring. i dont need 2 d-rings on the left side so i removed the orignal d-ring from the harnerss.

That involves taking out the cam buckle !!!
I just remove the buckle, but whatever works for ya. That was the reason I got another bp&w for singles though. Then I quit using the ACBs and went with bullet weights.


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