H-160 problems

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While out on a scooter dive in the quarry, my H-160 suddenly cut out, then would only operate at 50% power. Not only could I not go any faster, but when the trigger was released, the motor cut out instantly, instead of the usual 1- 2 sec. delay. This was 35 min. into the dive. The battery had just been charged the night before. Of course, I was basically at the furtherest point of the quarry & it took about 15 min to get back to shore at 50% power. Once on shore, I removed the hull & it was completely dry. The only unusual thing is the battery seemed a bit warm to the touch. I was operating the scooter in 75- 85 degree water. The scooter sat in 3 ft of water for about 45 min prior to use, because the air temps were approching 100 degrees. Any ideas?

---------- Post Merged on July 9th, 2012 at 04:30 AM ---------- Previous Post was on July 8th, 2012 at 03:25 PM ----------

Charged the battery last night, it is working in all 3 speeds, but there are still problems. To start it, I must manually turn the prop 1/4 of a turn & there is a "clicking sound" that I have not heard before. Found out when I got home, that the air temp actually got up to 104. Even though I had the scooter underwater for a while, it is possible the battery may have still gotten hot during before I put into the water. Also the "clicking sound" may have been going on during the dive, but I did not hear it then. Thinking of sending it in later this week.
While out on a scooter dive in the quarry, my H-160 suddenly cut out, then would only operate at 50% power. Not only could I not go any faster, but when the trigger was released, the motor cut out instantly, instead of the usual 1- 2 sec. delay. This was 35 min. into the dive. The battery had just been charged the night before. Of course, I was basically at the furtherest point of the quarry & it took about 15 min to get back to shore at 50% power. Once on shore, I removed the hull & it was completely dry. The only unusual thing is the battery seemed a bit warm to the touch. I was operating the scooter in 75- 85 degree water. The scooter sat in 3 ft of water for about 45 min prior to use, because the air temps were approching 100 degrees. Any ideas?

---------- Post Merged on July 9th, 2012 at 04:30 AM ---------- Previous Post was on July 8th, 2012 at 03:25 PM ----------

Charged the battery last night, it is working in all 3 speeds, but there are still problems. To start it, I must manually turn the prop 1/4 of a turn & there is a "clicking sound" that I have not heard before. Found out when I got home, that the air temp actually got up to 104. Even though I had the scooter underwater for a while, it is possible the battery may have still gotten hot during before I put into the water. Also the "clicking sound" may have been going on during the dive, but I did not hear it then. Thinking of sending it in later this week.

Hi Tammy,

Thanks for posting. Please contact our customer service team at 888-383-DIVE. We would be happy to bring it in for a health check. Sounds like the battery may have exhausted causing the power loss. How many dives do you have on it so far? Not so sure about the audible "clicking" sound, however this can be diagnosed at the same time.

Best Regards,
A shout out to Hollis' customer service:clapping:. I got news back on my scooter. The bad news,... the scooter was 1 month out of warranty & the motor compartment was flooded :((sealed from the rest of the scooter & not easily accessible). & the motor had to be replaced. The good news, Hollis was able to give me a huge break on the repairs. It will only cost me $250 on the repairs, instead of nearly $1000:dance3:. When I asked why the motor compartment flooded, it was not immediately known:confused4:. I would still like to know the cause, to help prevent it form happening again. I am looking to see if there is an o-ring kit for annual service. It was not known if such a thing exists, but I'll keep looking into it. Anyway, I should have my scooter back in about a week. Very quick turn around.
If the motor was flooded but the rest of the scooter was dry, the shaft seal is usually the culprit. I believe the Hollis scooters have a sealed end, the motor housing is not connected to the housing by an oring like on SS. If so, the shaft seal is the main way to get water in there.

Hollis might not tell you about it but it should be identical to the seal the X scooter uses, and there are great guides to changing it. Dive Xtras sells them for a reasonable price, easier than going to a seal shop and getting it sourced, though it's a seal used for many other things and is not a diving special part.

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