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Reaction score
Minneapolis, MN
# of dives
200 - 499
I didn't get a chance to dive this time, but I hope to on a return trip.

It is in the northwest. Kind of tough to see, but you can make out the white and yellow buoys in the water. The structure in the background is a hint for those who know the area. Thanks to Dr. O'Neil.

Great guess - but it's on the mainland.

I thought the BC guys would be all over this one.

I know this one for sure. This is a pic of Porteau Cove :)
I did my drysuit/deep dives here. Busy lil spot most of the time.
I love the easy entry. ANyone got a bar-b-que ?
Freeman once bubbled...
I know this one for sure. This is a pic of Porteau Cove :)

Ding Ding Ding! Give the man a cigar.

We were driving by on the way back from Whistler when we stopped for a photo op. Saw some divers getting ready and a had a pretty good chat.

Any Body You Know?

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