Regardless whether this is the function or not, you've hit in a great idea. "Tap for bookmark".
Apparently posting in this thread has also raised my number of likes received. It's THROUGH THE ROOF. Thanks, DiveNav.

To continue:
5) Your bluebuddy vibrates when your buddy presses a button on his/her bluebuddy. Gets your attention without making a racket.
6) Your bluebuddy lights up when your buddy presses a button on his/her bluebuddy.
7) The bluebuddy is now some sort of emergency missing-diver-location device as well.
8) The bluebuddy is now random-colour-of-your-choice-buddy. It changes colours faster than a cuttlefish when shaken or tapped hard. It can also squirt ink to confuse a potential predator.
9) It is now a disguised underwater handheld weapon to prevent illegal reef fish collectors from snatching the regulator out of your mouth while you were policing the waters (or after the fact).
10) It protects the bluebuddy from knocks and shocks when diving, giving divers the alternative option to hold it. Nothing more or less.