If you are in Western Washington, we have a pretty healthy GUE community in the Seattle area (and the Kitsap Peninsula) that gets involved in projects, both locally and around the world. For example, we have been working with a local side-scan sonar survey company to get an accurate picture of targets on the bottom of Lake Union and Lake Washington, including diving on them to verify the target and try to get any identifying details. These projects are open to of our local members with as little as a GUE Fundamentals recreational pass (depending on the target, of course.) One of our local instructors has also been involved in some pretty high-profile exploration projects in Europe and the South Pacific recently. Those are more "exploration" projects, especially focused on photogrammetry, but we are trying to get more involved with "scientific" projects as well -- it's one of our current board's goals (myself included.)
We have weekly Wednesday Night dives (currently meeting at Cove 2 on Alki at 6pm) if you want to join us and chat about what we are working on. DM me if you want more details.