It's that time of year again! Global Underwater Explorers is soliciting dive-related images for inclusion in various exciting projects we have on the horizon this year. Some projects we are working on include:
- Quest journal (ongoing)
- 2010 GUE calendar
- GUE screensavers
- Advertising and promotional materials for GUE
- GUE posters, postcards, brochures, flyers, and more!
Here's how to submit your images:
* Send an email to "Sheila at" with the words "GUE Photo Submission in the Subject line.
* Attach a web-ready version AND a hi-res (300 dpi) version to the email (.zip format is preferred if you are sending multiple images)
* Place a description of the image in the email body, including date, location, and photographer's full name and contact information (submit your own photos only, please!)
* Include at least one caption for each photo you submit
* You may submit as many photos as you like, but please only send calendar-worthy images.
What we are looking for:
Appropriate quality underwater content ranging from caves and wreck dives to reefs, macros, diver portraits, interesting flora/fauna, etc. If i's underwater, we want to see it!
What's in it for you?
If chosen for publication, your image(s) will be showcased in various GUE projects to be seen by divers around the world for years to come. Your name will appear with your photo for all to see. In addition, you will receive a complimentary copy of any material in which your photo appears.
*Photos submitted to GUE may be used for projects not listed above. By submitting your image(s) to GUE, you grant GUE explicit permission to use the image(s) for any current or future projects.
We are very excited about the projects on the table this year, and we look forward to receiving your wonderful images. Thank you very much for your continued support!
Sheila D. Hardie
Global Underwater Explorers
15 S Main Street
High Springs, FL, 32643
Ph: 386.454.0820 Fax: 386.454.8173
- Quest journal (ongoing)
- 2010 GUE calendar
- GUE screensavers
- Advertising and promotional materials for GUE
- GUE posters, postcards, brochures, flyers, and more!
Here's how to submit your images:
* Send an email to "Sheila at" with the words "GUE Photo Submission in the Subject line.
* Attach a web-ready version AND a hi-res (300 dpi) version to the email (.zip format is preferred if you are sending multiple images)
* Place a description of the image in the email body, including date, location, and photographer's full name and contact information (submit your own photos only, please!)
* Include at least one caption for each photo you submit
* You may submit as many photos as you like, but please only send calendar-worthy images.
What we are looking for:
Appropriate quality underwater content ranging from caves and wreck dives to reefs, macros, diver portraits, interesting flora/fauna, etc. If i's underwater, we want to see it!
What's in it for you?
If chosen for publication, your image(s) will be showcased in various GUE projects to be seen by divers around the world for years to come. Your name will appear with your photo for all to see. In addition, you will receive a complimentary copy of any material in which your photo appears.
*Photos submitted to GUE may be used for projects not listed above. By submitting your image(s) to GUE, you grant GUE explicit permission to use the image(s) for any current or future projects.
We are very excited about the projects on the table this year, and we look forward to receiving your wonderful images. Thank you very much for your continued support!
Sheila D. Hardie
Global Underwater Explorers
15 S Main Street
High Springs, FL, 32643
Ph: 386.454.0820 Fax: 386.454.8173