Grumpy Lings at Porteau

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Reaction score
Langley, B.C.
# of dives
200 - 499
I dove Porteau today and the Ling Cod were pretty aggresive. I suggest you give them room even when they aren't near the egg sacks.

The first two I met were in my face a bit. The third one was on the deck of the Granthall and was moving my way so I figure, great time for a photo. As I am watching through the camera LCD waiting for the shutter to fire the image keeps getting bigger and I start wondering if I should forget the photo and retreat. I got the shot and he looks pretty PO'D. Photo attached.

Later I see another, this time guarding an egg sack. I signal my buddy to go around and give it room. We avoid the nest by a good 15 feet and I park myself a good distance away to take a photo of a Nudibranch. My buddy watched in amazement while the Ling Cod we avoided comes out of his den, swims a good 20 feet straight for my blind side. Opens it's mouth and hits me in the arm. I feel a bump and see a blur shoot off. Then look at my buddy who gives me a look like he can't believe what he just saw. The Ling comes back for a second nip so I had to give it a small smack on the nose and flick my fin at it.

For new divers I should note that this isn't the norm. I have never had Ling make contact with me even when eggs are around. It must be mating season with fresh hatched eggs.

Interesting dive but give the Lings room. They were in a mood today.
Grumpy Ling


Been there and experienced what you have. Yup, egg laying season, they get nasty.

Last year I was out for the egg count and my buddy and I were on top of the sail boat, anyway I look inside the and see a mean looking lincod so I pull my head out and signal my buddy danger. Well, my buddy misunderstood my hand signal and she stuck her head inside to have a look. What does she get? A headbutt in the face and a nocked off mask. Can you say OOPS.
We ran into aggresive lings on the last two dives at Porteau. Just remember you don't have to swim faster than the ling, just faster than your buddy.
Just remember you don't have to swim faster than the ling, just faster than your buddy. :d Lol
Jeckyll and I had a very similar encounter with a ling there. We did not even know he was in a rocky crevice. We were just swimming past about 15-20' away and this ling shot out, bit Bjorn in the leg and took off again.
We were just swimming past about 15-20' away and this ling shot out, bit Bjorn in the leg and took off again.

Hmmm dinner, Bjorn must of not tasted very good
What is the worst a ling can do to you anyway, I am curious? I just stay away due to the spike looking things, and a mouth that is that big has got to have nasty teeth in it! When I dove Shute Rock last month we saw ling that had to be as big as me. I am not kidding I put this thing in the range of over 60 pounds! It was just sitting there and I thought it was part of a rock, in fact it was laying beside one, but this thing was HUGE! I have a picture that does it no justice because there is nothing to compare it to, it also looked like it swallowed a basketball due to its huge round stomach. I was scared just because this thing was SO BIG. I would say it's head was the size of mine...truthfully. If someone can shrink it to attach the picture I will send it to them...sorry to jack your thread though...
My buddy and I had a hell of a time at Edmonds Marine Park in WA. on Monday. The first cabezon we swam near hit me and circled us. The rest of the dive was dodging ling cod and cabezon, there were definitely in a mood. The last incident was a cabey following her about for 10 feet and then started banging in to her until she tapped it in the nose with her light. Was like being in underwater American Gladiators, you had to be on your toes/fins.
haha!! I'm pretty sure my suit was punctured at Porteau cove by an angry lincod!!
I had a ling attack me on Saturday. Lucky I just switch my light to my left hand then out of no where a ling comes at me from the left, went to go tap him on the nose and it bite my light took the whole rubber end right off my light cannon swam away and spit it out about 10 feet away.

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