I would be interested in a Las Vegas (area)/Southwest club/group of regular tech dives. It is HARD enough finding recreational divers to want to dive Lake Mead, much less technical divers.
I have a boat and have made 68 technical dives off of her, all with a technical diver (or two). My technical dive buddy list is VERY small.
Lake Mead is NOT the Andrea Doria or the Great Lakes region, however, it is in my back yard and at the VERY least it is great for technical dive training. I have enjoyed EVERY one of my technical dives this way.
I think most technical divers like doing season warm-up dives with other technical divers. Our group goes to a local quarry. Your boat and Lake Mead sound like a good platform, too.
It takes someone to pull everyone together and keep them together. Facebook has turned out to be a good vehicle for groups, like dive clubs. Take a look at our Virginia Beach Technical Divers group page and you can see how we're using it. Set up one for your area and put out a couple of posts on the diving forums and people in your area will know about you, hopefully join your FB page, and go from there. We can talk about this more with PMs, if you like.
If there are several tech divers around you, then find a place that won't cost anything (we started in a dive shop but have gone to restaurants with private meeting rooms. Ordering lunch or dinner and having a beer adds to the fun of getting together).
Schedule a topic, have someone from a tech gear company come in (Submerge Scooter, DiveRite, etc.) and have a meeting. The purpose is to get everybody together and talk about tech diving.
You'll just have to see how things pan out. The comments earlier about the cost of tech trips vs. the economy will play a big part. It's going to be hard to make an active tech dive season work out here in VA, but all we can do is keep trying.
I'm close to announcing our diving schedule for this season and will post here when it's ready, so everyone can see how we're working it this year.
If I were you, I'd give it a try. If it doesn't work you can always bring your boat to VA, LOL.