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Lakeville, Minnesota
Greetings from unusually warm Minnesota. 40s all week in February in Minnesota; unbelievable. If this is global warming -- bring it on!

My wife and I are new to the ScubaBoard. She found your site late Saturday night and told me I had to check it out. WOW - what a great resource.
We were searching for info on BCs as we were planning to purchase. After reviewing the vast amount of info on the board, we proceeded to our LDS and bought his and hers Sequest QDs. Next year regs!!

In a week we will be in Grand Cayman trying out the new gear. We have a time share at the Indies Suites (which we love) so we go to Cayman every year. If ever anyone needs a recommendation or review on places to eat we know most of them.

We will post a trip report when we return. We'll have to see if we can find Casey and Keith's operation. (Sorry - we already booked our dives for this trip before we knew about you).

Looking forward to reading some more of the great stuff here. I feel like a kid in a candy store!
Welcome to the board!!!!!

Make sure you let us know how your trip went!!!

Oh, and 40 degrees is still cold! :cold:
I am glad I moved out of Wisconsin. Brr.
welcome to gang -- you'll have a fun time here.
Great to have you on the board. I have been a member only a short while but have found so many nice people on here. My best friend lives in Lakeville, MN. She has been there almost 2 years and loves it.

Hope you have a wonderful time in Caymen. I have been there a few years ago and found the diving pretty amazing.

Happy Diving.:)
Another.... Welcome from Texas! This is a pretty cool place to hang out and learn.

We love trip reports so be sure and take notes!

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