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from oh, so warm Thailand - paradise for all CADs!

Glad to have you aboard and hope to see a lot of you - after all, this is the best place to spend your surface intervals...

Hi and welcome, from Rochester NY.

This is a great place to be, when you can't be diving!
Welcome to the board from across the waters.
thanx for the warm welcome guys,

Am looking forward to join some of the ongoing discussions...and have a laugh or two. For the time being mostly with questions, in the future hopefully with some answers. Haven't been diving for long, but got hooked the moment I stuck my head in and discovered I could fly AND be chewed on by anchovies at the same time.
Did my OWD in Sharm and was back three months later to see more of the place; it's absolutely gorgeous. I decided I had to keep diving at home to not lose "the touch", so I did some courses in
Holland and even a no-plan-no-light-night-dive; This was actually my introduction to the dutch waters wich are not burdened by any visibility whatsoever; we went down with daylight and resurfaced an hour and a half later looking up to the stars. We hadn't noticed the difference at all.
Ooh, got a question for you: has anybody
tried playing Quidditch yet?
Haven't tried Quidditch yet, but would love to! Wish it were possible...
Welcome form the hotbed of diving, Philadelphia, PA. (although I am holed up in some motel in Possum Ditch, MO).

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