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Scuba Instructor
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hi guys,
Just signed up and wanted to say hi; Hi!
Am planning a lot of dives for this year, but have not just yet gotten to the airport, so thought I'd do a bit of dreaming ahead.
Have been enjoying your posts up til now and thought I'd sign up, finally.
Talk to you later!
Welcome to the board from Newport News, VA. You'll like this board. I just moved here from Florida, so I will have to check out the diving in the area when it warms up. I'm a CAD in the worst sense.
Hmm, good luck to you! I'm a fair weather diver myself. It just never ever warms up over here...
Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England.
Have fun, Dive Safe .......................Arduous
From New England again

Mike M
Greeting from Canada! I'm sure you'll like things here - pretty easy to find answers to all your questions. Loads of info and experience. Quite a few of us know about that cold-water diving too!:cool:
and Welcome aboard , from the Warmest all beach no ocean state of ARIZONA
Welcome to the board SubQ. It's always great to have members from across the pond. You will find many many fine and responsive people here.

Welcome from NJ!
I too, am a warm water diver, and always look ahead to the next trip.
That said, you've found the next best thing to a dive-this Board.
Jump in with comments, questions, stories, whatever.
Good luck ,

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