Greetings from Yokohama

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Rest in Peace
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Planes, Trains, & Automobiles
# of dives
200 - 499

I am working in Yokohama for the next several days. I'm interested in getting some diving in but don't have a clue about what is available nearby for dive sites. Does anyone want to get together and do some diving on Sunday? I'm up for boat or shore. I understand the water is about 22c/71f. I might be able to squeak out two dives before I become an ice cube. Maybe I'll be able to rent a thicker suit. I have my 3mm and all other gear with me (minus tank(s)).

PM or write back here if you're interested.


I don't know who told you it was 22c. You better find a dry suit. Try Marscuba, Matt usually heads out to Atami on the weekends. Great diving out there.


That's ok. I had fun anyway. I learned how to use the rail system and took a ride on a bullet train. :D I went to Tokyo and hit the Hard Rock Cafes and did a bunch of other tourist stuff. I would rather have been diving though. :07:

I'm here til Thursday evening (that's the plan for now anyway). I am trying to get back home so I can meet up with the local divers at the Houston Happy Hour on Friday (

Do you do any night diving during the week? :D

Hi Richard
Good to hear you had a good time.

I don't generally do night diving here on the weekedays unless it's during one of the vacation stretches for my job. Also, of the dive sites that allow night diving, most are limited to weekend night diving.

Well, if you make it here again, hopefully you'll get to hook up with someone before you come out...


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