Greetings from Tampa, FL...DiveIN!

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New Port Richey, Florida
Just wanted to say hello from the sunshine state! I am gearing up for a new dive season and I hope everyone out there has many fantastic and safe dives in 2005! I welcome anyone who would like to chat about diving to please say hello!!!

My dive buddies and I plan to be getting in alot of dives this year around the state of Florida and I would welcome any and all imput on great sites they have dove recently!

Thanks all!
Well hey there.... I'm confused... Your join date is Nov 2003 and your first post is today.... whoa!!! that's some major lurking :laughing: Glad you finally decided to come forth.... After you meet the Conch Klan you may want to find a new rock to hide under.... hehehehehehehehe Welcome to the I mean the group..

Welcome to the board!

Welcome to the board! I'm sooooo jealous of you Florida people and your warm waters! :sunny

I want to join the others in welcoming you to, and I hope you both enjoy it and find it helpful as you learn your way around here.
Just in case you missed it, do read this simple guide A beginner's guide to the ScubaBoard.Com forums by Tech Admin & team. It is pinned at the top of the Intros forum here so you can go back to at anytime.

Be sure to check in on our Florida Dive Club Forum. Great folks there, good place to make local contacts across your peninsula.

PM me if I can help you learn your way around; that is - click my username to the upper left, then follow the prompts to send me a "Personal Message." :thumb:

:cowboy: don
:monkeydan Hi fldiver327, welcome to scuba board and glad you joined! It's a good place to talk about dive stories. Hope you and your friends have an awesome dive season! There's lots of people here, so I am sure someone will be able to give you some good dive sites in Fla!

Take care and safe diving,

Click here to greet a new member!
No experience needed and it feels great!
My home of record is on Denton Ave where my folks still live, although I am currently stationed in Birmingham, Al. I'll be there for a few weeks in June and the wife and I are planning on spending it underwater. Welcome to the board.
Welcome to the board! I'm sooooo jealous of you Florida people and your warm waters! :sunny
So jealous of your CA waters!

Welcome fldiver327, head on up to the megadive next weekend if you have the time to meet the whole group - i promise they arent all like Vickie, in need of group therapy ;)
Welcome to the board fldiver327. Glad to have another Florida Conch Diver. Check out our local club forum. Here is a link to it. We do a lot of get-togethers through the state.

Click here ---->[red]Florida Conch Divers[/red]
i promise they arent all like Vickie, in need of group therapy ;)

:11: hey...... I resemble that remark

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