Greetings from Malaysia..!

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Well welcome to the gang here. If you head over this way - I can sure show you why a drysuit is a very nice thing to have. hehehe
Hi DivingGal

Thanks for the welcome and the offer.

Isn't it troublesome to get into one...?
and a Warm blue sky Welcome from Arizona

glad to have you around...Don;t let them try to sucker you in.. drysuit still get your face just as wet and cold as a normal wetsuit..
I shall take your advise to it.......

And thanks for the welcome.....
A big Texas Howdy to you Salty!

My wife's from Taiping - so I've gotten to visit your woods several times [have you gotten more specific than Malaysia though?]

Last time we visited we were on a family reunion and they visited one of the islands south of Penang [if I remember the name before I finish typing I'll add it] - We snorkled and I was sorely disappointed with the trash and damaged/dying corals - I hope the rest of the west coast is better and will look forward to going east some time.

I'll take jsut a little of the Durian - it fills me up real quickly and the taste is merely OK for me - I see it as necessary in self defense when the rest of the family is indulging!

Welcome! -=>Larry<=-
Hi -=>Larry<=-

Yup...Islands around Penang are not really looked after properly. I believe there are still many who requires education on environmental issues.

However, the next time you head back here, try visiting worthy places such as the East Coast of Peninsular Malaysia or East Malaysia. It's hell lots of differences.

Here are some Islands Worth visiting.

1) Sipadan, Mabul *
2) Layang-Layang*
3) Tioman
4) Aur
5) Perhentian
6) Redang

Please add the word "Pulau" in front of all these names.

* Really great dive destinations for Divers, lot's of write up about it for references.

Drop me an email if you need more info on these islands.

Originally posted by SaltyWhale
Hi Kelpmermaid

Where about in Malaysia did you do the exchange program?

Well i am one of the minority who does not consume durians (not very Malaysian am I?).

How about the rest of you folks out there.....tried durian? Durian and diving surely does not mix. I'm curious. What is/are durian?

S :confused:
Durian is a fruit. Green in colour. Thorny. A well grown full size can up to to a size of a basketball.

Very powerful in terms of smell. Most Asians love it. But non-asians seems to dislike the smell.

Been classified as the King of Fruits.

MOre info;
Hi SaltyWhale:

Welcome to the board from the cold waters of New England.
Have fun, Dive Safe .......................Arduous

Ah! now I know what durian is. I never knew the English name for it. In Chinese, we call it Lao-Leen. My mom loves it (she grew up in Vietnam).

S :)

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