Greetings from California

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Welcome to the board.
Don't let the fact that you are a "female" slow you down. I think (others will agree) once you put on your tanks, your are just another dive bubby. I have a female friend that all my guy friends go to for answers, and some are reluctant to dive with her because of her skill level. I honestly could care less if I dive with a male or female as long as it is safe. My girlfriend is my best dive buddy.

Mike M
and welcome to a grand place to spend your SI! A big hi there from north of the 49th.

Like you I got certified on my own. I've never had a problem yet finding a buddy to dive with either here at home or when I've traveling. When I'm at home, I'll track down someone who'll be my dive buddy -- much of a case I know 2 people, and they know 2 people etc, etc. Eventually I find someone who's been recommended by a friend. When I've travelled, and arrange for a charter -- I just make sure that they know I'll need a buddy. Then when I meet my buddy, I figure a way of comparing dive logs. That way it's not just "dive stories" but proof of dives.
Welcome to the board.
As the others have said, this is the place to talk scuba, and to hopefully find dive buddies.
Good luck,
I am pretty much in the exact same situation as you - female, no friends that dive, got certified on my own very recently. However, I have just joined a dive club and have been actively asking (non-diving) friends if they have other friends that dive. I have been given a couple of leads, and hopefully I will be able to hook up with them/meet people through the clubs. Hopefully it will develop into a more permanent dive buddy relationship.

While it's a little difficult in the beginning - most people you meet already have established dive buddy relationships (and you don't want to seem too much like a tag-a-long) and just being the solo female in itself is kind of intimidating - keep looking! I have found everyone to be very friendly and open to going with you if they are available.

If you come to Hawaii, give me a shout - I'll be more than glad to meet you to do some dives.
Hey Calidiver,


There are plenty of places and people to dive with here
in L.A. and Orange Co.

Try some of the clubs or get on board one of the boats
IMHO the great escape is the best.


Mostly So Cal Diver.

I also do beach dives in Lagunua, Catalina (Casino Point)
and such.
OH, i just double checked and you are in stockton.

oh well, check out the LDS and dive clubs.

and you can still try

we do have some dive from up your way.

Good Luck
Hello and welcome!
I am a girl diver who got certified alone and am in need of a buddy. I love to go to Monterey for diving. I am still fairly new, 17 dives, and am happy to dive with other newbies. Just give me enough notice to rent what I don't own!

Lisa :kitty:
You've come to the right place to have your questions answered, and it looks like you may already have found a potential buddy in lisacats. Good luck girls, I hope you get some great dives in!

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