Greetings from California

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Las Vegas, NV
Hi everyone. I've been a certified diver for over two years but have only been diving once every several months. The problem: I got certified on my own, I don't have friends who dive and, well, I'm female. I say this because I'm reluctant to take my chances on a boat dive with a (predominantly male) crowd I don't know. I've done this a few times, with only one negative result. Still, I'm here to meet new people and hopefully, some future dive buddies!

Is anyone diving Monterey or elsewhere on the California coast?

Hi, calidiver :)

I also dive the monterey area. Unfortunately, I wont be getting in much bottom time for a while due to work requirements. As far as finding dive buddies, your on the right track. keep asking around, check out some clubs, try different shops... also, consider taking an advanced or specialty class. If you find yourself comfortable with a dive buddy that also happens to be relatively new to diving, or unfamiliar with the monterey area give a yell and I can point you towards some great beach dives.


Thanks. It's great to see an international gathering of so many people who are nuts about diving!

Any recommendations about warm-water trips are also welcome.

See you around!
Glad to have you aboard.

This is a great board and you will meet alot of great people. I am sure you will get some good recommendations and maybe even meet a few new dive buddies.

Too bad you are not down here...but do look into local clubs and see what they have to offer.
Hi calidiver:

Welcome to the board, from the cold waters of New England. I agree with all the rest who have posted, check out some dive clubs in your area. I’m sure you can find them with a simple web search. If you’re a certified diver than, lady you gotta dive, but you must feel safe, confident and unstressed to do it right and have fun. So check out those clubs and get diving.

Dive Safe ………………………….Arduous
Hi Liz....

My name is also Liz, and I probably live in your area... (SF Bay Area) -- but I haven't dived locally.... I prefer to stay warm. How would you like to join me for some diving in Hawaii?


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