Greetings from Boston

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Scuba Instructor
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Hi everybody. My name is Nick. I heard about this forum from Melissa and Matt at (check out this growing forum - it rocks).

My dive-related story?

I got certified almost 3 years ago. But could not practice this partially because of lack of time, but mostly beacuse my grrrrlfriend didn't want to even hear about H2O.

Well, she's not my grrrrlfriend anymore. What's the moral? Don't get too close with people of the non-diving kind. Aquaphobics can make your life miserable!

Being lonely this summer, I finally decided to blow away the savings and get myself wet.

First destination? The chilly waters of New England - my backyard.

The problem? I don't know too many people diving in New England... Please, help!:ggrin:

Who am I in real life? A software engineer in his early 20s and also a college student. I was born in Europe. I guess, in this forum I will be a quite juniour member!

Questions? Suggestions? Please shoot!
Originally posted by funky__monks

I'm guessing you won't have much problems here!


Thanks, Jeff. I'll check it out right away.
Originally posted by Jeblis
Welcome. :hi: seems like there's been a lot of new board members from Mass here lately.

This only means that the local propaganda is working well! :D
I just got here a little while ago. Great info here. I'd suggest if you haven't been diving in three years that you take a refresher. I just took one and it was pretty helpful.

Dive buddies? well I found one here last week just by asking. I also found a couple of local clubs that do local dives regularly. One LDS here goes out every wednesday. No appointment, no buddy, no gear, no problem. All you need is you c-card. I'll bet you can find something similar in Boston. Check with the local dive shops.

Suggestions...hmmm well you probably don't want to dive in the harbor :jester:

Incedentaly when I was in college I got to go about 400 feet below sea level in Boston harbor. Not diving, but in the tunnel they dug 9 miles out under the harbor...pretty cool
I already took the refresher and spent the last weekend at the botom of the pool. And I am glad I did - learned new stuff and met a bunch of nice people.

Yeap, the harbour looks eeky. I haven't seen anybody dive in it.
Welcome to the board from another Massachusetts diver.
Have fun and Dive Safe.........................Arduous
Hi Nick,

Welcome aboard. That's an interesting site....but it looks almost too new to be of use yet ;-)

If you don't have enough local diving buddies, I might suggest the following:

- Join local clubs & participate in club events/dives. The more involved you get, the more buddies you'll have. This means not just joining the club, but volunteering to be an officer, participate in clean-up dives, etc. There are a bunch of active clubs around here (downtown, north shore, south shore, etc.). I belong to the New England Aquarium dive club. They have group shore dives almost every weekend, including one each this Saturday and Sunday. You don't have to be a member to start participating in these dives.

- Get to know your local LDS's -- participate in their shore/charter diving program if they have one.

- Take some advanced diving courses -- AOW, Rescue, etc. I met my "regular" buddy in my AOW course 2 years ago. Part of the advantage here is that you are at the same training level as most of the other folks taking the course...making for good potential buddy matches.

- Hang out here and at other on-line'll meet other folks in your area...more potential buddies.

Glad to have you here!


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