Greetings from Bayou Country!

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Reaction score
Monroe, Louisiana
# of dives
500 - 999
Hey everyone! I was surfing the net trying to get info on a possible dive site for next weekend and ran across this site. Looks like ya'll get a lot of traffic through here and probably have info on every puddle of water that has ever been jumped in by a diver. I'm sure ya'll will be seeing me around here from time to time.

Happy Diving!
Welcome to the board!

:sunny Hi there erincherie! Welcome to Scuba Board! My name is Matt. I’ve met a lot of nice divers and many helpful divers here. I look forward to reading more of your posts about your diving adventures. If you’d like to chat, please PM me.

Take care and Safe Diving. Matt. :D
Glad you finally found us. :thumb:

:cowboy2: don

And don't be shy about posting. Click Forums above, tour the long list of choices, and jump in anywhere you're qualified. PM me with any questions, and I'll try to find a pretty good answer.
Welcome to the board Erin. We hope to see you around here a lot. Just as long as it doesn't interfer with your diving.....:laughing:

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