Greetings from Alberta, Canada

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Brooks, Alberta Canada
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0 - 24
Hi, i'm new to the board and scuba diving as well. I was certified five years ago this summer and have only dove four times. I really want to get back into it, and perhaps make a career out of it, but I can't remember a whole lot. Any recommendations career-wise? I'd like to check out as many occupations as possible in the diving field to see if it's something I want to pursue. And if not..I'd still like to dive as much as possible and see some of the great diving spots of the world. I'm told Cozumel is argueably second-to-none. Anyway, when I was certified we dove at the local, murky lake for a week and went for our "big" dive in Banff(lake Minniwannka)? That's probably not spelled right but...has anyone ever been there? Anyway, I hope to chat lots and learn lots from everone. Take care everyone and I hope to hear from you.
Welcome aboard, there's no better place to learn from some of the best....they even allow Texans :bounce: (gotta luv 'em!)

Are you out of Calgary? And hey, don't count out BC for some great diving (or so I'm told)

If you're ever out Toronto-way and want to get is some diving; bring some steak for the Barbie and give us a call. (Alberta steak is great! - Editorial for the rest of the board) I'll supply the beer, slaw, and taters after we get in some divin'
Welcome to the boards from Rochester NY.
It's great that you want to get back into diving!
If it's been a while since your last dive, a refresher coarse is a good idea.

Tavi :D
Welcome DrummerBoy! I've been to Banff, but to ski, not dive. Or maybe that was Lake Louise? Anyway... since there's no saltwater there I probably won't be back soon. But we ARE glad that you joined us here. Tell us a story!

drummerboy, welcome to the boards, glad to have you here!

As a scuba instructor and former dive shop manager I can tell you that you'll never be rich by going pro. You will however have a great time and many many fulfilling experiences in life. The friendships you form are second to none!

Thanks guys(gals), for the kind words and nice welcome. I found out yesterday the people that certified me five years ago will be back in town next week so, i'm going to go and chat with them, and I think NEXT TIME they come back(spring), i'll take my level two(night diving and a deeper dive, as well).
Ontario diver: sounds like a plan, and you're right..nothing beats Alberta beef!!
Scubakat: story..Halfway through our week, we were in the water at the lake, and for some reason, I got separated from everyone else. I went down to the bottom and tried to swim where I thought everyone else was. When I surfaced, I think I was farther away from everyone else. The current seemed to be pulling me away. After a few unsuccessful tries of getting back, I was getting a little frustrated, and not quite panicky but..pretty close. I finally got back and felt ridiculous because I thought I was holding the class up. The next morning I had to be talked into going back by my two friends that registered with me and were going. I'm really glad I never gave up. As a side-note to that..when we went for our "big" dive, one of the others that talked me into staying, had second thoughts and was ready to quit. She thought she wasn't grasping "it" and was being rushed. We had one week, and to a point..I agree, it was a little hurried. Our instructor said..on the Hawaii they teach the course in ONE DAY!! so, in week was quite a bit of instruction. Anyhoo, the other friend and myself talked our third friend into keep going. I think she's happy we did. Now we have that "bond". We were frinds before and have mutual friends but the scuba diving lessons you know..formed a special bond. I think we all look back at that fondly.
A question to you all: Do you think one week is enough? Too much? I'm curious as to others opinions.
Ayesa: As to WHY drummerboy? Music and my drums are my BIG love. It's how I express myself. But who knows..A few more dives under by belt and all the positives that go with diving and maybe i'll change to "scuba_boy" or something.
Mario: I ask about scuba diving(either recreational or commercial)as a living cause, I feel it's time to make a decision in my life and find a career, one that I enjoy. I'm twenty-nine and an assistant manager in a fast food restuarant, and i'm finding that I don't think I want to do that for the rest of my life. My education is a little limited, I didn't graduate so...I don't know what i'm doing to be honest with you. I'm debating on going back to school, getting into University and prehaps taking General Studies, or perhaps Diving. I really enjoyed it when I did it so...I'm just trying to find out some of the different occupations associated with it and seeing if it's worth pursuing, obviously, depending on my interest in it and the chances of getting a job, once I finish all the diving and schooling that I would need. I'll be honest, money isn't a huge concern to me. Don't get me wrong, I want to make money and being rich would be nice but, i'm more concerned with being happy with my job and not loathing it. I see and i'm sure we all see, people that are really unhappy with their jobs but, can't change for whatever reason. I'm fortunate in the sense that I have a supportive girlfriend and two dogs, that we can move if something comes up. So, as long as I can make a living, doing what i'm doing, and paying the bills..that's all that matters.
Thanks again:Ontario Diver, Tavi, Scubakat, Ayesa, and Mario S Caner. And I hope I didn't put you all to sleep. Take care all, and I hope to hear from you all again. Cya, K :)

I am at the same point in life as you - seriously considering chucking it all in and going pro with diving, but in my case I really need to save up a lot of backup capital before I can even contemplate doing anything radical! It's a bit late in my life to decide I am not career-minded, but hey, I guess we all have these epiphanies at some point, don't we?

Good luck with whichever choices you make - I'm sure they'll be the right ones! In the meantime, make sure you come back and chat with us often on the boards.

Hey there drummerboy! Welcome from the east, and soon the west. I did my cert in Edmonton, and Jasper, as I live an hour into Sask. You've already found the best forum on the net, so you are off on the right foot. Have fun!
Hey there everyone. I hope all is well. I forgot to answer a question by "ontaio diver". The question was if i'm from Calgary. As a matter of fact I'm about two hours or so south, in a town called Brooks.
Hey Keralucu..I hope all is well in Thailand. I wish you well in your endevours.
And, hey Kane, where did you do your final dive at, in Edmonton? Was it in a pool or did you go to a lake? ANd where in Sask. are you?
take 'er easy ppl.

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