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politics or the recent election, do you?
(we've met before, me under another name :)

Welcome to the "other" board.
Glad to have you. Seems as though there is quiet a few of us refugees here.
Welcome GM,
It can get quite crazy around here with folks running around in leopard print and gold lemay wetsuits and such. But I wouldn't trade it for any other site on the net.
Hey Green

Welcome, tell us a little about yourself, what part of the globe do you hail from, type of diving do you do...I'd be careful around here, what with people running around in Gold lamy and leo print wetsuits...and a bunny come ere little bunny! Kinda resembles the cukoo's nest on occasion,but all in good fun.

Again welcome from Canada'great white (anybody got an ice auger) north!

Portsmouth, NH at this time.

Water off of York, ME was 35 degrees this
morning when a few of us went for a dip.

We had 39 degrees today at Folly Cove. A harbor seal was swimming in the cove, 1st time I've seen one there,

Just got back from a little dip,water was 32F even the ole salt water is starting to get a little thick!!
Location: about several km from equator.
Dive site in the backyard: an old oil rig, still producing. 15 m - 5 m visibility. No current. Half an hour boat ride.
Big guys: 2 m lone baracuda, a grouper bigger than I (it was in 90-100 ft, a muddy area; I was in 50-60 ft) and WHALESHARK (regularly seen by workers, not by divers ;-0 )

Uncountable dive site, most has not been found yet :D. At the moment, my only wish is to have enough time (they don't give enough annual leave here :grrr: ), peace in Indonesia and dive buddy to do it with.


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