Greenville, SC Undove Lake

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Aquatic Eagle

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
Hurst, TX
# of dives
500 - 999
Hey everyone! It's been a while since I posted because of my shipboard life. I have a friend at home in Greenville who just recently bought a house with a private lake. He says it is about 80 feet deep and wants me to dive it to do some exploring. It is a family owned lake so supposeduly it's never had a diver in it before. I plan on diving this lake sometime on my next vacation in March or April. I would like to find someone who can dive this with me. None of my friends are divers and I would like someone with a little experience to dive with me. I don't have a date yet but is anyone interested? It's a lake in Blacksburg. Let me know!
Sounds pretty cool, but hard to say that far in the future. When you get closer to a date set shoot me a message or post out here again.

That's ok. I'm not looking for anything definite yet. I'm just looking to see if people are interested. Maybe we can make this a group thing and map out this lake. Let me know if you guys are interested in going where no one has gone before...I think. :)
That's ok. I'm not looking for anything definite yet. I'm just looking to see if people are interested. Maybe we can make this a group thing and map out this lake. Let me know if you guys are interested in going where no one has gone before...I think. :)

Sounds like fun to me. I am not all that far from greensville, SC and will be able to dive this with you. I am also going to be on the dream the week of the 28th so I will have to hook up with you and we can chat about this lake. Looking forward to meeting you,

Sounds like fun to me. I am not all that far from greensville, SC and will be able to dive this with you. I am also going to be on the dream the week of the 28th so I will have to hook up with you and we can chat about this lake. Looking forward to meeting you,


You are the second person from Scubaboard so far who will be here on the 28th. I look forward to meeting anyone from Scubaboard on a ship. I'll see if I can accompany you guys on a dive or two. Anyone else coming on the Norwegian Dream anytime soon?
Hey Nature,
Let me know when you get a definite date. Sounds like an adventure.

Sounds like I might get a few people interested. After I get a date...I'll let everyone know and maybe we can make it a group trip. I'm pretty interested to dive a lake that nobody has dived yet and I'm sure there are others out there. Let me know guys and maybe we can make a weekend out of mapping out the bottom.

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