Great Barrier Reef, Australia trip...

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Reaction score
Hayward, CA
# of dives
100 - 199
Oh my,

Just got back from an incredible scuba adventure in the Great Barrier Reefs... My camera malfunctioned while on the return flight and spoiled all my videos except one...

Here is the one I managed to save, viz was so clear 100+ feet and I had all sorts of SPS, LPS corals just dancing in my view...

Water was so blue and crystal clear, I felt as if I was dreaming...

Now I am a true Aussie... LOL

No bubbles in the video, since I now dive a Rebreather got to love CCR over OC....

Haha you almost fooled me :) but life rock structures are gave you away, too clean . nice tank though, where is that?
You want to have that rebreather looked at. It sounds like doors closing in the background:wink:

Should have posted this on April 1st.


I'm so happy that all got a kick out of my 25 gallon TruVu reef tank.... I've been reefing for 25 years, it is a passion of mine.... When I'm not diving CA, I'm at home resting next to my mini reef...

Well what does the sh!t hole barrier reef have to do with anything

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