Got batteries??

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Diver Lori

Scuba Instructor
Reaction score
# of dives
500 - 999
Well.....I learned a lesson this week. As many of you know, I've got a "new to me" Nik V that I purchased after Nikon School this past summer. (summer's gone already???)

Hahahaha. Unfornately the camera didn't come with a manual and I had tried a couple of sources to find one. (finally got one now from Anyway the Nik V defaults to 1/1000 of a second for shutter speed if you don't have batteries in your camera....or in my case upside down. (DUH!) I knew my meter wasn't working but figured if I just set the shutter speed and aperture my buddy was signaling me I'd be okay.

Hee hee.....this is embarrassing! Seems the only shutter speed that works without juice is M90. I learned this from Southern Nikonos.....after a nice long chat on the phone. (great operation, BTW...highly recommend them. And from reading my newly acquired manual from download.

What have I learned? Well, I won't make the mistake again, I've got the knowledge of what WILL work if need be and I'll always check my batteries! I'm just thankful it wasn't a once in a lifetime trip. I get to the Florida caves about 3 to 4 times a year.

Batteries from Radio Shack $7.62
Kodak GX100 Slide Film, 2 Rolls $14.00
E-6 Finishing with near black slides $12.94
New found knowledge of a mistake never to be made again? PRICELESS!!
Knowledge gained from those kind of lessons last longer!

It only took one time of leaving the batteries out of my digital camera to teach me it's not any fun to have to re-enter all those settings.......from memory and hope you got it right!

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