chose an easy shore place, shallow, no current like a lake or a quarry and go for some dive with someone experience with a dry suit.
That is exactly the opposite I did, except for the experienced person. My two first dry suit dive were on a wreck, with current, by 60 ft depth and by boat. All went well.
The third dry suit dive was in a quarry and was not a good dive. Go figure. I'm at ten dive so far with my dry and I'm beguining to feel correct with it.
Like everything in diving , practice make better if not perfect. Don't use your dry as a BC, you have a BC for that. Just enough air to remove the squeezing feeling, but not to much. You want to have a bit of sqeezing feeling like in a wetsuit. It will be easier. But remember, what,s in the dry suit stay in the dry suit, except if you have a valve fo it.