Good Bye Matt (SFL Diver)

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We just heard! Our condolences. I have only met you and Matt a couple of times, but you were easy to be around and had a good vibe. I can't believe it.

We met you both at Venice and Peace River. The latter is what I remember him for - he and Dennis cutting up over the campfire, and his digeridoo, and not to forget those great treats (sugarbombs?) he made! The kids and I will remember you both in our prayers tonight.

Godspeed on his journey!

We, are praying for you.
Steve, Kate, and Joe

I had the pleasure of diving with you and Matt during the Invasion last year. My sincerest condolences. I know that are no words can every express your pain, nor enough tears to wash away your sorrow.

Oh, my...

I just stumbled across this thread. I'm at a loss for words. My condolances to his family and friends.

I spoke with Matt over the phone a few times in December. My husband and I had our 10 year Anniversary vacation in West Palm, and Matt was going to meet up with us at the Blue Heron Bridge and do some underwater photography for us. He was so kind and accomidating... he even mentioned he was going to bring his laptop and burn a CD for us right there before we parted ways, and when we asked how much ($)... he said... "Nah... no charge! Enjoy your anniversary!" Of course... we were going to pay him anyway. We talked of a rum tote after the dive. Then then morning of the dive, the LDS said vis was 4' or less... and the dive was cancelled. I called Matt... and told him the dive was cancelled and that we thanked him graciously and apologized for not being able to get some diving in with him. Matt thanked us for calling him before he made the trip to the bridge. We never met Matt. Now, I wish that we would have at least still met up for lunch or a rum tote. He was a genuinly kind man.

I'm so sorry for your loss.
I never met Matt, nor ever interacted with him in any fashion .. I wish that I had.
I now have a better feel for your great loss .. thank you for posting all of your stories , and for posting the pic's
please don't forget tomorrow's Event to honor Matt. Check out the first page of this thread for info. Also the Sun Sentinel has his obit in it today.
Love you all and so did he.

Unfortunately, I cannot attend Matt's event... as I live in Indiana, however, please know that you and your family are in my thoughts and prayers. Many hugs are sent your way.

I am sorry I will not be there tomorrow but please know that I have been thinking about you and Matt everyday since you called. I will continue my prayers but wish I was there to hold your hand and give you comforting hugs. I know you are in good hands with our other two sisters and your supporting friends. Although I am not physically there, I am sending all my love out to you. Maryann
mardie, i will not be there tomorrow physically, but i certainly will be with you in spirit

i will remember Matt, and what a wonderful person he was, and how unique. he really was beyond words.

i will remember how much fun you can pack into laughing and smiling, and i do hope that you will be able to do that again soon.

Matt would not want it any other way.
I will be there in spirit, if not in person.
I have created the means to be there tonight and will be heading out after getting home from work and bundling the family into the vehicle. See you all this evening..


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