Mom and I have had so many phone calls and e-mails from Matt's (and my) friends and colleagues. I thank you all for your wonderful words both of support and fantastic stories.
Please don't stop.
I read as many of the posts on this thread and personal e-mails to Mom as I can manage at one time and she can't believe how many people have been personally touched by Matt, his brownies, Loonie’s kidnapping, flinging sheep, sense of humor, and yes two deep water rescues.
So many have asked how we are doing and guess what? Not too great, but in the past both Mom and I have been known to be strong women. One of the things that Matt loved in both of us and we will survive.
In between phone calls Mom and I spend our time sharing our memories and we have had so many incredible phone calls from friends who are in as much shock as we are. Each caller has very special stories to tell and that brings back wonderful memories plus lets us in on things Matt did or said that we haven’t known about…YIKES… although they are some of my favorites!
Of course we have to time and again explain what happened and in the beginning it was very traumatic for each of us and brought on terrible crying bouts. But having told it so many times now it seems more surreal then real. Like repeating a movie plot with good and bad reviews. Then we look at each other and realize it is real and the pain starts again.
I don't know if I ever want to go back to my office because Matt and I spent more consecutive time together there then we did in our home life. But fear not... unless something magical happens I do still need a paycheck so eventually I will have to buck it up and go back.
MB and Joanne have suggested a memorial statue or plaque in Matt's honor on the reef of our choosing. Of course my first thought was a giant concrete (L)Moonie. He started laughing until I told him that I was serious. And then he thought, ya that's Matt! Ok Loonie and a plaque! And maybe even a large honking..... Never mind! How about in Panama where we were planning on opening a dive related B&B? Or in some exotic location... any takers?
LOVE, LOVE all of you.
ps Checked how many times this thread has been viewed.... almost 900 times, Mom can't believe it, She didn't know that Matt knew 900 people... told her that the diving community is a family of friends you have met and friends you have not met...yet. I hope to meet you all some day!
PSS thinking about auctioning off that ratty old tiger stripped skin that Matt had..... Smiles/nonononono.gif
:no And then I woke up!